Monday, May 20, 2019

Week 13
As the semester begins to wind down, and we have time to reflect on the content of this course, I must say that I am impressed by how much I have learned about fairy tales. When I first registered for the class, I assumed it was going to be a really easy class where we just talk about the deeper meaning in fairy tales. This, however, was not the case and I'm actually pretty glad that it was not set up like that because this course ended up really challenging me to critically analyze these fairy tales and draw conclusions from a multitude of different stories. It also challenged me to look a fairy tales in a multitude of different perspectives, much deeper than the face values of the stories. I really enjoyed that each week we looked at a new tale, but I would have appreciated if on Tuesdays we discussed the fairy tale completely- from summarizing to functions to symbolism and then on Thursdays we analyzed it from several different perspectives and then on Sundays have to write a blog regarding what we learned or writing about a different version of the story that we learned for that week. I feel this way because of blog 3- which was my favorite blog. I enjoyed this because I got to read about an African version of a popular fairy tale and it allowed me to connect to the contents of this class in a more personal and interesting way to me. I feel as though this is something I might continue to do this because it really allowed me to get a better understanding of my culture through the fairy tales. At the beginning of this semester, I named Beauty and the Beast my favorite fairy tale but now that I've come to realize that I don't like the implicit message that it sends to kids. Now, I probably would have to say that the Kenyan type of fairy tales because they were much more realistic and very interactive so I feel as though I could listen to stories for longer times than if I had to read them.

Week 11

Oscar Wilde is an Irish author whose three most popular stories are not necessarily geared toward younger audiences like most other fairy tales, because his stories are much more grim and realistic than traditional fairy tales and all feature death. 

The Happy Prince is about a statue of a rich prince whom had died and was made into a statue that commemorated his wealth. Over the years, he had seen the true reality of his people- them being poor and struggling- and it made him feel really upset. One day, a bird, whom lost its way from the group trying to fondle love, took a break and rested under the statue, whom then asked to have his jewels stripped from himself and given to those whom needed it most throughout his village. The concept of death was shown here because the bird had died and the statue was later torn down and rebuilt. 

The Selfish Giant was about a mean giant whom lived in a large castle with beautiful garden. One day he went to visit his friend for a couple of years and came back to see a handful of kids playing in the garden. He became upset and and chased off the children but afterwards his garden started to become droopy and made him remorseful. he invited the kids back to play and his garden came back to life. The concept of death was shown in this story by an interaction that he had with a young boy struggling to get into a tree, who then died and revealed himself to be a Jesus.

The Nighttangle and the Rose is about a young male gardener who is looking for a red rose to impress the love of his life. He meets a tree who exchanges his own life for a rose, which he has waiting for the gardener. When the gardener wakes up and finds the rose, he presents it to his potential mate and is rejected because it  had came too late and had already been outdone by a gifted necklace. This tale has a much more graphic concept of death because it illustrates sacrifice/suicide.

Week 10 

There were two main difference that I found between Jewish fairy tales and European fairy tales. One is that while in European fairy tales there characters consist of at least 1 out of 9 character facet,  while Jewish fairy tales have a range of characters but is always includes the Rabbi in some way. For example, the "princesses" in Cinderella and Rapunzel both features a damsel in distress character and a charming prince, where as A Dispute in Sign Language and The Rabbi and the Inquisitor both feature a Rabbi. This being a common theme in fairy tales also adds more of a religious feeling to all of the fairy tales, thus emphasizing the  audience's general understanding and appreciation for the culture and their norms. This is backed up by the fact that the Rabbi is then viewed as an important figure regardless of its role in within the story. Constantly hearing of tales where the Rabbi is always present might also passively be conveying the message that the Rabbi knows all and he is the best person to come to for advice and guidance because he has seen all things. The other difference I noted was that European fairy tales are mostly centered around romantic endings- enforcing the idea that love is the only way to a happy ending- however, Jewish fairy tales have rather humorous endings and aren't necessarily as enriched on the pushing the romantic themes nearly as frequently as European fairy tales. These stories instead push more of a moral agenda within their stories. Jewish fairy tales also don't always include some element of magic- which is actually another major difference from European fairy tales and emphasize using wit to outsmart opponents.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 6 (MAKE-UP)

Cinderella is a story about a young girl who is mistreated by her step-mother and is denied the opportunity to go to the local ball. Her fairy godmother appears and gives her everything she needs to be the most dazzling guest and gives her a curfew of midnight before her magic dissipates. When the time comes, she leaves behind a glass slipper, which the prince uses to find her after the mall and marry her. In Pretty Woman, there is a wealthy bachelor, with a history of failed affairs, who hires a hooker to escort him for a week and ends up falling in love with her. In this story, the fairy godmother turns out to be the hotel manager who is primarily concerned with keeping a good look for prospective clients. 

Image result for rags to riches

In both stories, we see this reoccurring concept of a rags to riches love, which is why both stories are highly favored. However, realistically the chances of this happening are very slim for multiple reasons. For one, people of different classes don't really mingle in the same area so it would be really hard for two people of different class to interact for a long enough period of time for them to consider dating. Even if they did hook-up, they would eventually run into the next major obstacle, which would be that society would not allow a relationship like that to foster. Marriage nowadays is viewed as a business arrangement, therefore most people are in higher economical classes would not indulge in a relationship with those of lower classes because it would only bring further harm their business. Aside from marriage, I do think the rags to riches story line is achievable but merely based off of hard work and networking amongst the right people but I would not suggest banking on falling in love with someone rich.